
Dark and cheerless is the morn unaccompanied by you, 475


but Love meets us in resurrection when love gives itself unafraid., 656

in you we face our Judge and Maker unafraid, 78, 486


I'm never left unaided, my Father hears my prayer, 769


Forgive our haste that tampers unaware., 654


Fling wide the door, unbar the gate, 272


Help then, O Lord, our unbelief, 713

kneeling there in deep contrition, help my unbelief., 772

fill me, radiancy divine; scatter all my unbelief, 475


a home for us and ages yet unborn., 654

felt in the days when hope unborn had died, 707


your face and garments, like the sun, shine with unborrowed light., 326


Bless the one whose grace unbounded this amazing banquet founded, 588

Father, of majesty unbounded, 234

Jesus' love unbounded none can e'er explain, 770

Jesus, you are all compassion, pure, unbounded love impart!, 474

O his mercy is unbounded, all my hope on him is grounded, 197, 594

to Jesus, unbounded by distance or time, they bow in profound adoration., 393

your suff'rings, O what love unbounded for guilty ones the debt have paid!, 340


may the church that’s waiting for you keep love’s tie unbroken, Lord., 229

stars and angels sing around you, center of unbroken praise, 544

with a look of deep connection, pond'ring still unbroken ties, 659


cherubim and seraphim, in unceasing chorus praising, 386

teach me the patience of unceasing prayer., 490

toiling with unceasing fervor, swift to venture at your call., 619


Bring to our troubled minds, uncertain and afraid, 681

but greater still the calm assurance, this child can face uncertain days because he lives., 706


Christ Jesus knew uncertainty. Would all forsake, deny, betray?, 337


O Truth unchanged, unchanging, O Light of our dark sky, 23, 505


a fire of love unchanging to burn within our hearts., 508

Blessed are they who share the sorrow of their God's unchanging love, 595

God abides, his word unchanging, 507

God has spoken by his prophets, spoken his unchanging word, 507

O Truth unchanged, unchanging, O Light of our dark sky, 23, 505

unchanging in love to his own., 547

When darkness veils his lovely face I rest on his unchanging grace, 771


through the sky's uncharted spaces, 793


This holy Word exposes sin, convinces us that we're unclean, 509


till your Spirit breaks our night with the beams of truth unclouded, 558


Not enhanced by consecration, unconsumed, without mutation, 419


one day when life is over shall death's fair night uncover the fields of everlasting life., 572


and marvel at his gracious words of wisdom undefiled., 318

friends on earth, and friends above, pleasures pure and undefiled, 538

Wondrous birth! O wondrous child of the Virgin undefiled!, 265


with faith that none can alter, your servants undergird., 683


He who gives life did death undergo, and in its conquest his might did show., 357


Help us our priesthood understand, that we can make the simple grand, 440

nor look to understanding hearts, but look for hearts to understand., 693

O teach us all your perfect will to understand and to fulfill:, 734

There were some who scorned and mocked him, some who did not understand., 130

to understand their language, as Christ the Lord they praised., 378

we cannot understand the woe your love was pleased to bear, 348


Lord, bless our homes with peace and love and laughter, with understanding and with loyalty., 671

nor look to understanding hearts, but look for hearts to understand., 693

peace beyond all understanding, joy into all life expanding:, 588

showing kindness, mercy, understanding, and respect diversity, 397

we have faith and understanding through your promised light alone., 226

Yours the wisdom, yours the understanding, 499


with sympathy that understands and makes the needy whole., 524


Be still, my soul: your God will undertake, 757


As two currents in a river fight each other's undertow, 664


broken, blessed, and freely served, richly giv’n though undeserved., 227

You came unequaled, undeserved, to be what we were meant to be, 583


and trust his word; though undeserving, 712

undeserving though we be, draw us closer ev'ry day., 741


By pain and sorrow undeterred, I shall proceed in gladness:, 393


a need that, undiminished, rebukes our slothful ease, 634

Christ's saving word, forever true, must press on undiminished., 518


Jesus Christ, your Father's Son, bids you undismayed go on., 789


bind ourselves, with love that’s undissembled, 207


Triune God, mysterious Being, undivided and diverse, 642

while in essence only One; undivided God we claim you, 386


His enemy shall vanquished lie; his death has been death’s undoing, 368


duties I have left undone, evils I have failed to shun., 779

Here you offer us tomorrow, lives unseen and deeds undone, 557


revealing dimensions undreamed of before., 491


and deep within our hearts now shine; there light a flame undying, 188


an Easter of unending joy we may at last attain!, 341

Hence flows unending love to him who came lost sinners to redeem, 768

Love so unending! I'll sing your praises, 775

Our God in Christ makes all things new, for God is love unending too., 520

seeding hope in ev'ry nation of unending jubilee., 684


You came unequaled, undeserved, to be what we were meant to be, 583


whose love and forbearance unexampled are., 746


I find unfailing pleasure, true happiness and rest, 484

Love is a gift, a present sweet, love unfailing and complete., 536

pledge of your unfailing presence, foretaste here of heav’nly gladness., 187

put his arm unfailing round you: God be with you till we meet again., 824

with unfailing grasp God holds us, ev'ry child of ev'ry race., 463


and God's goodwill unfailingly be to his people given., 472


aiming with unfeigned affection thy love to exemplify, 673

I give you thanks unfeigned, 89

love unfeigned, O Lord, unto me afford., 473


Facing a task unfinished that drives us to our knees, 634

Yet, Lord, you summon us anew to grasp the task unfinished., 518


hearts unfold like flow'rs before you, op'ning to the sun above., 544

these the fruits for which we hunger as your gifts for all unfold., 496

to us your Spirit gracefully unfold, 742


and, unforgiving, keep our grudges sore, 766

How can your pardon reach and bless the unforgiving heart, 777


enthroned, in light surrounded, when earth was yet unfounded, the living God, to him we come., 806


her flag of faith, above defeats, in heaven's breeze unfurled, 431

its flag can only be unfurled when you shall breathe from heav'n., 604

Still through the cloven skies they come, with peaceful wings unfurled, 286


Unresting, unhasting, and silent as light, 457


He comes to us as one unknown, a breath unseen, unheard, 478

its harmonies broken and almost unheard --, 382

Lest the church neglect its mission, and the gospel go unheard, 617


Do we pass that cross unheeding, breathing no repentant vow, 331


Grieved not, quenched not, but unhindered, 98

Where other lords beside you hold their unhindered sway, 634


commitment free from strife, a soul unhurt by sin., 615


and should our love's union holy firmly linked no more remain, 673

in peace and blessed union our moments to spend, 675

Lord, today bless this new marriage,guide this union in your way., 428

May we now remain in union with each other and the Lord, 441

miracle and meal in union, wondrous grace of our communion., 419

O that such may be our union as thine with the Father is, 673

Thus may they abide in union with each other and the Lord, 429

who in closest union living with our Savior, Head, and Lord, 717

Yet she on earth has union with God, the Three in One, 511


in growing unison our song of praise., 623


By this, we will our voice unite, bringing glory day and night., 536

Church, unite for the right; let your foes behold your stand, 631

come unite, renew your wonders, 223

each to each unite, endear, 672

God's grace did invite us, God's love shall unite us, 136

His grace did invite us, his love shall unite us, 194

how to unite what nations put asunder, 830

Let heav'n and earth unite their praise, 73

Spirit unite us, make us by grace, 514

till all things now living unite in thanksgiving:, 448

unite around the sacred board, 424

whom you forevermore unite in one., 427

With high delight let us unite in songs of sweet jubilation., 368

Your praises shall unite, 94, 114, 543


By love's closest bonds united, as the Lord's own family, 515

Called together and united by the Spirit, we are one., 624

Christian hearts, in love united, seek alone in Jesus rest, 673

for brothers and sisters united by love stand firm o'er the earth far extended, 518

Grace invited, faith united, remnant hope of Calvary., 557

Happy soul, to Christ united, calmer now and clearer sighted:, 809

Heart with loving heart united, met to know God's holy will., 401

In essentials let us be united, joining in God's sovereign truth, 397

Now let us be united and let our song be heard., 620

our varied gifts united by Christ, the Lord of all., 620

then, in that spirit may we live united, and find in God our deep security., 671

then, with Jesus Christ united, we should heav'n anticipate., 589


Who else unites us, one in God the Father?, 562

who is perfect, three in one, and unites us in the Son: have mercy, Lord., 521


that our ministries uniting may give glory to your name., 642

the love of Jesus, and his name, God's children all uniting., 396


among ourselves at unity and with all else in charity., 519

by our loving mutually, by our Christian unity., 672

Hail, O form of God made human, who God's unity illumine, 419

One bread, one cup, one body we, rejoicing in our unity, 228

we may with you forever live, in love and unity and peace., 339


the universal love of God shines through, 459

What universal message, what great good news was here?, 378


All the universe depends, 86

God is love, so love forever o'er the universe must reign., 463

I see the stars, I hear the rolling thunder, thy power throughout the universe displayed, 44

The universe restored and whole will sing Alleluia!, 366

thy pow'r throughout the universe displayed., 465


our selfishness and lust, our pride and deeds unjust, 690

You never used a killer's sword to end an unjust tyranny, 583


and to life's day the glorious unknown morrow, 427

by your pangs, to us unknown, by your spirit's parting groan, 744

God of futures yet unknown, 132

He comes to us as one unknown, a breath unseen, unheard, 478

Jesus, mired in fears unknown, with our evil left alone, 352

Just as I am; thy love unknown has broken every barrier down, 762

Let strife among us be unknown, 785

My song is love unknown, my Savior's love for me, 482

Peace, perfect peace, our future all unknown?, 710

peace, to earthly minds unknown, 556

the Christ in all the scriptures shown, as yet unseen, but not unknown, 478

The journey set before us is through an unknown land, 309


Spirit of God, unleashed on earth, 379


but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth., 236


he only could unlock the gate of heav'n and let us in., 353


There he stands already knocking; quickly, now, your gate unlocking, 588


While your glorious praise is sung, touch my lips, unloose my tongue, 553


we tremble not, unmoved we stand, 788


O give me Samuel's mind! A sweet unmurm'ring faith, 609


certain tasks had seemed unnerving, but you've proven you're the one, 622


Be strong in faith and serve him against unnumbered foes, 752

unnumbered souls are dying and pass into the night., 634


life eternal, gift unpriced, freely ours in Jesus Christ!, 363

You we praise with endless worship for your fruits and gifts unpriced, 95, 495


O God of unrelenting grace, whose judgment yet we daily face, 738


Unresting, unhasting, and silent as light, 457


unrevealed until its season, something God alone can see., 797


Just and holy is thy name, I am all unrighteousness, 724


that as king o'er us he reigns and unrivaled pow'r maintains., 586


Unseal our lips to sing your praise in endless hymns through all our days, 561


He comes to us as one unknown, a breath unseen, unheard, 478

Here would I touch and handle things unseen, 421

Here you offer us tomorrow, lives unseen and deeds undone, 557

I love to tell the story of unseen things above, 625

the Christ in all the scriptures shown, as yet unseen, but not unknown, 478

the evidence of unseen joys, the substance of our rest., 703


May we not look for love's return, but seek to love unselfishly, 693


Grant me to lean unshaken upon your faithfulness, 75, 89


the glory not to be expressed, the joy unspeakable., 198


O happy, unspeakably happy, who can in Jesus find life and salvation., 471


Lamb of God unspotted, to our prayers, O lend an ear., 203


Sing, pray, and keep his ways unswerving, offer your service faithfully, 712


May our learning curb the error which unthinking faith can breed, 664


came forth his friend, from death unthralled, to show God's power to save., 338


It snaps the brittleness of hate, unties the bonds of greed., 260


Savior, whose love constrained them to toil with zeal untired, 634


Sustaining God, your hands uphold earth's mysteries known or yet untold, 385

until that day shall come when multitudes untold, 633


Prayer is the soul's sincere desire, unuttered or expressed, 749


that all may hear the grateful song my voice unwearied raises., 537


if worldly pressures fray the mind and love itself cannot unwind, 644


And from my contrite heart, with tears, two wonders I confess: the wonders of his glorious love, and my unworthiness, 329


And I, unworthy sinner when kneeling at your feet, 774

Since we, though unworthy, through electing grace, 746

You made no mean or cunning move, chose no unworthy compromise, 583


and as on eagles' wings upborne to heav'n ascend., 468


upheld by my righteous, omnipotent hand., 709


Govern and uphold them, now and always., 234

In your love and care enfold us, by your constancy uphold us., 111

lift o'er our ranks the prophet's rod, while we uphold your hands with prayer., 432

God be with you till we meet again: loving counsels guide, uphold you, 824


He clothes us with his love, upholds us with his truth, 546


and sing with hearts uplifted high: “Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!”, 212

We thank you with uplifted voice, this word of praise our joyful choice:, 541

With hearts and hands uplifted, we look, O Lord, to you, 56, 256

upper room

Christ Jesus knew an upper room, an olive grove, a judgment hall, 337


With the Son, from death upraised, alleluia!, 358


So to our God we sing praises, who all our spirits upraises, 316


the upward glancing of an eye, when none but God is near., 749

Then talk no more of wasted time, but Godward look, and upward climb, 803


with cruel mockings to the cross they urge you, 351


Fill us with urgency to search beyond the windows of the church, 440


as peaceful as a dove and yet as urgent as a flame., 321

God's word in Christ is seed; good soil its urgent need, 501


who bids us never lose our zest, though age is urging us to rest, 803


in your pleasant pastures feed us, for our use your folds prepare., 731

Make us the instruments you use to praise the Savior more, 99

Melt me, mold me, fill me, use me, 96

O help us use them carefully and live by love's command., 801

O use me, Lord, use even me, just as you will, and when, and where, 646

O use us, Lord and Master, whate'er may be the cost., 433

ours to use for home and kindred, and to spread the gospel word., 652

Take my mind that I may use ev'ry pow'r as you should choose., 647

Touch the earth lightly, use the earth gently, 655

use them your holy purpose to fulfill., 158

Use us as a means of blessing: make us stronger, give us faith., 398


So let our toil be used, no gift of yours abused, 653


Break forth, O beauteous heav'nly light, and usher in the morning., 287


using us gently, and making us one., 655


And did not Jesus sing a psalm that night when utmost evil strove against the Light?, 532